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Chatbot Jared Hummel Parqa April 2021

The Pros and Cons of Using Chatbots to Streamline Your Marketing Automation Strategy

Chatbots have revolutionized the staffing industry’s top-of-funnel digital strategy. The benefits are numerous since chatbots can:

  • Save time
  • Increase diversity in recruiting
  • Save money
  • Provide relevant candidate information
  • Improve candidate experience
  • Source the very best talent

Not only can chatbots streamline staffing and recruiting, but they can also help with employee retention as well. The evidence suggests that chatbots are here to stay, but that doesn’t mean using chatbots can’t become a liability for recruiters and their clients. We’ve found some helpful tips to help you use chatbots without sounding like you’re a chatbot.

When chatbotting goes awry

Chatbots, for all their usefulness, can present a conundrum for recruiters:

  • Chatbots can negatively affect a candidate’s experience. Some chatbots can become confused by a candidate’s questions or answers. Not knowing how to respond to a job seeker, a chatbot could stall out and become repetitive in asking them to repeat or rephrase their question. Some chatbots can even become unresponsive. This can make candidates feel like they’re getting mechanical or impersonal responses that reflect poorly on an employer.
  • Chatbots can be heavily front-loaded tools. They are extremely useful in the long run, but setting up a chatbot can be frustrating and time-consuming (especially when you’re trying to get your chatbot to sound as natural as possible, and to provide relevant information to inquiries).
  • Chatbots aren’t designed to identify the go-getters. While chatbots are great at increasing diversity in recruiting by reducing bias, often chatbots can’t identify that “it factor” that could make a candidate outstanding.
  • If a chatbot is operating on strict binaries, it might include candidates who meet qualifications of a job description but who are mismatched to the company’s core values.
  • Chatbots could also overlook ideal candidates who might not meet a specific requirement in the job description. This can be especially bad news for recruiters who regard required skills for open positions as more of a loose guideline than a strict requirement.

Even still, chatbots are an incredibly useful tool if you can get them to act and sound… well, not like a chatbot.

Tips to help chatbots keep from sounding chatbotty

Anyone who sends something funny to their coworkers by email or slack risks their punchline landing flat. Humor and nuance can be clunky and difficult to convey over text. Now imagine your understanding of nuanced social exchanges comes from a synthetic AI interface. Bots are only as intelligent as their design.

To engage authentically with job seekers, a bot should be able to understand sarcasm, read between the lines, or get the context of dialogue. This is often the first thing that will trip up your bot, creating a frustrating experience for your visitor.

The best way to avoid these awkward and frustrating interactions is to keep your chatbot simple and human. (We’re aware that humans are anything but simple, so stick with us here.) 

Keep it simple

Your chatbot is there to be a helpful first point of contact, to direct job seekers or employers towards what they’re looking for, provide relevant information and hopefully get enough information to create a lead. Chatbots are not designed to interact with candidates on a deeply emotional level. They’re not therapists, and they’re not there to tell a story.

Keeping questions simple like, “Where can I direct you today?” or, “Are you looking to hire someone or get hired?” Also, be transparent with your chatbot. Using clear language like, “I’m just a chatbot, but I can help!”

Also, if you have a membership portal for job seekers or employers, don’t rely on the chatbot to take account numbers or passwords. Just have the chatbot either provide a login form or send the visitor to the login page. By keeping your chatbot’s interactions simple and clear, you can avoid getting into complex transactions the chatbot isn’t designed to handle. 

Keep it human

Your bot can be fun without having to go deep. Writing emoji’s into your bot’s language and using colloquial language like “What’s up friend? ” or “How you doin?” can go a long way to keep the conversation loose and light.

Also, humans make mistakes. So bots can also make mistakes and own up to them. Likely, your bot could trip up somewhere. It’s a good practice to plan for confusion and write a response that can keep the conversation on track and to find a proactive solution. You can do this by writing responses like, “Sorry! I’m just a chatbot, I might have blown a fuse there. Let’s get your contact info to someone who can help you more!”

People who interact with chatbots usually want help right away. Reinforcing how important it is that their needs are met and that someone will reach out to them immediately can avoid causing them to feel like they’re being given a runaround.

Go deep with proactive programming or artificial intelligence

Many staffers and recruiters might need to go deeper with their chatbots than surface-level conversation. Often, the people they’re dealing with are looking for work, and that can be an emotionally charged endeavor.

Deeper chatbot interactions require more pre-programing.

If you want your chatbot to keep up with deeper human interactions, you or a programmer will need to spend a little more time at the outset building out your bot for more complex interactions by:

  1. Mapping out the many different paths a job seeker or employer would follow through your site. Predicting as many scenarios as possible and writing a variety of responses to address each scenario. 
  2. Program your bot to behave with more human characteristics by:
    1. Programming it to speak with a human voice
    2. Recognizing and combining two-part answers. Translating responses like, “I’m looking for a job” and “I’m interested in openings for engineering and technology” to “Find me open positions in engineering and technology.”
    3. Programming empathetic responses by prompting your chatbot to recognize certain trigger words and phrases such as “frustrating,” “fired,” “can’t get hired,” “job search,” or “unemployed.”
    4. Adding a typing status during longer searches. This will indicate that, just like people, the chatbot is working on the answer and hasn’t bailed on the conversation.

AI: better chatbots without the manual legwork

Many employers want a deeper level of interaction from their chatbots but don’t have UX designers, writers, programmers or conversation designers they need to build out the bot of their dreams. Then we turn to artificial intelligence chatbots who are programmed with machine learning and natural language processing to better understand and assist people and their needs.

AI chatbots might cost a bit more, but those costs are offset by the time and resources you’d otherwise spend having your own team predict, map out and respond to every UX path conceivable on your website.

Plus, AI chatbots only get better. With machine learning, they build on every human interaction. They become smarter and more efficient at completing tasks, so the longer they work, the better they get!

Consider other automation tools to attract and engage with job seekers and employers

Chatbots aren’t for everyone. We get it. Some staffing and recruiting firms are just set against the idea of a robot at the wheel. And that is okay! At Parqa, we’ve developed several tools to automate your outreach and engagement. We make attracting leads, nurturing engagement and growing your staffing and recruiting firm a snap by:

  • Building out your ideal customer profile and buyer’s journey
  • Automating your workflow
  • Implementing your content strategy
  • Providing useful, relevant data to help you make key decisions

If you’re ready to inject your staffing and recruiting firm with efficiency and scalability, contact the team at Parqa today. (Chatbots are also welcome! We can talk about the latest binary plug-ins, or whatever.)

Top LinkedIn Features - Parqa

Top New/Improved LinkedIn Features for Recruiting Professionals

Many recruiters may recall the days before LinkedIn as one might imagine the days before electricity. It’s astounding to think of the ways LinkedIn has transformed staffing and recruiting from the days of posting job openings in the newspaper.

LinkedIn continues to evolve, and 2021 is looking like another banner year for the platform. With LinkedIn’s new and improved key features, staffing and recruiting firms have more options than ever to:

  • Find and connect with the best talent
  • Take their company branding to the next level
  • Publish compelling content in new, engaging ways
  • Engage in a deeper, more meaningful way with clients and candidates

New view & expanded capabilities of LinkedIn Company Pages

The new view and capabilities of LinkedIn’s Company Pages feature just got a big redesign to help more companies humanize their brand and engage with their network like never before. Here are a couple new features we’re excited about:

  • Sharing content with your community easily and more often by posting as a page or member of a page
  • Quickly view engagement metrics for individual and company updates
  • A dedicated page for members to view company updates
  • Real-time engagement with your community via LinkedIn Live Streaming
  • Grow your community from your network with Invite to Follow feature
  • Improved content recommendations
  • New lead gathering options
  • View Page Followers feature

With these latest updates to LinkedIn’s Company Pages, businesses are now able to take a more integrated, targeted approach to branding, leveraging the profiles and networks of their employees to help spread their messaging.

Get face-to-face with video chat in messages

For users who want a more engaging chat experience, LinkedIn created video chatting in LinkedIn Messenger. Adding video capabilities in Messenger is a great way to take a brief discussion to the next level.

Video capabilities in chat are especially useful in a time when people are less likely to meet in person, helping to create an even more authentic experience between users or groups sharing career advice, discussing job opportunities, or catching up in virtual group meetings happy hours.

LinkedIn takes a note from Instagram with Stories

Companies and their users are now able to more easily share images and short videos with a loose, shoot-from-the-hip feel with the new LinkedIn Stories feature. LinkedIn Stories is similar to other platform’s stories with:

  • Full-screen view on content
  • Stories only available for one day
  • Another, even more genuine way to publish content
  • Allowing members to engage with each other via private messaging

With stories, users can even guide readers to a URL or landing page, by adding a “swipe up,” action to their story. Just one more way LinkedIn is further our ability to maximize conversions and audience engagement. (This feature is limited to LinkedIn Pages or users with at least 5,000 connections who’ve set the “Follow” button as their profile’s primary action.)

On an anecdotal note: many of us at Parqa only use Instagram for their stories feature. If LinkedIn’s stories becomes as widely used as Instagram’s, the possibilities here are very promising. Especially with LinkedIn’s push to focus on content, their algorithm will likely favor those early adopters of LinkedIn stories.

Your profile’s new “featured” section

LinkedIn’s new featured section (you can find it between the “About” and “Experience” sections) is designed to allow users to display their expertise front and center on their profile. Since the arrival of the new featured section, we’ve seen several users find creative ways to fill this section with their best work.

Some other ideas to make the most out of your new featured section:

  • Use it to feature posts and articles you’ve written and published on LinkedIn
  • Post links to external websites like a portfolio, blog or other websites that provide useful information about you and your work
  • Use the featured section to create a cutting-edge feel to your profile by changing content frequently

Build your brand and drive demand with LinkedIn Events

More than ever, businesses are looking for a way to safely meet and connect with people. LinkedIn events provide a trusted space for hosting public and private events. Similar to virtual events on Facebook, hosts and attendees are able to invite other users, see who else is attending, and chat with participants in the event feed.

Which event is right for you? We’ve found this handy guide helpful for creating and hosting a variety of events depending on your needs:

  • Boosted public events without registration for maximum outreach and brand awareness
  • Public events with registration to amplify your ability to collect leads
  • Private events for building community with a targeted audience

Events with LinkedIn make a lot of sense, especially when you consider how LinkedIn has found a wealth of activity in groups like workplaces, recruiter or alumni organizations. Whether you want to find creative new ways to build leads, get your brand top of mind, or just engage with an audience, you’ll find a lot of extra value hosting and participating in LinkedIn Events.

Stay connected with coworkers with Teammates

It’s only natural the people we spend the most time with at work become some of our closest friends. Here are some interesting statistics that demonstrate the power of building relationships at work:

  • 63% of people have relationships with coworkers outside work
  • 60% of LinkedIn members are more likely to like, comment, share, or message coworkers vs. their other connections
  • 95% of people agree it’s good to have friends at work

LinkedIn Teammates allows users to further manage and interact with their professional network. In Teammates, users can tag coworkers, managers as well as direct reports as part of their immediate network and current team. Depending on a users privacy settings, LinkedIn will alert users to the activity and important milestones of team members, such as posts, shares, comments and birthdays and work anniversaries.

For companies who are looking to build a strong sense of community and culture at the workplace, LinkedIn Teams is a great way to bring coworkers together.

Try new things and remember: failure is not fatal

It’s natural we’d be a little hesitant to post our first LinkedIn story. And what if we mess up starting a video call with a potential new employee? Trying new things can be daunting and time consuming. But LinkedIn does a great job with making intuitive changes that are fun and easy to pick up like a pro (even for your first try). 

Most importantly when you try new things – your audience will notice. Especially on LinkedIn, audiences react to users and companies who go out on a limb with them. And with these new features, businesses and individuals have never had so many options to live into a genuine online presence with authenticity and the human touch. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained – and it certainly beats posting openings in the local classifieds.

LinkedIn Company Page Basics Checklist

Are you proving your credibility and expertise? Just as your personal page gives the world a look at your experience and credentials, your company’s page should build a case for your reputation and specialization. The messaging and branding should be consistent with your website and sales materials to establish credibility. With this checklist, you can determine where your company’s LinkedIn presence is winning and where there is room for improvement.

If you’ve built a LinkedIn page for your company, but you aren’t sure how it can help your team close deals, this free checklist is for you.

woman typing on laptop

The Ultimate LinkedIn Checklist

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Is your LinkedIn profile slacking? No worries, we’ve created the ultimate LinkedIn profile checklist! With this checklist, you can craft the perfect LinkedIn profile to impress prospective candidates and clients alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”35px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”download-left-img”][vc_single_image image=”5666″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”download-right-text”][vc_column_text]This FREE checklist list covers the following:

  • Photo Best Practices
  • How to Customize Your URL
  • Writing a Eye-Grabbing About Section
  • Showcasing Your Experience and Accomplishments
  • And Much More!


desk with various business tools on top

Introduction to Social Media: Understanding Your Platforms

Social Media is a term that has become synonymous with modern day marketing tactics. The days of E-Blasts, conference brochures, and mailing lists aren’t over, but it’s clear there are more channels than ever to communicate to clients and candidates alike.

According to the Demand Gen Report, 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.

This stat rings true with our approach to talent attraction on social platforms and is a focus in our introduction to social media. Social media is an integral component of our strategy to increase attention to our brand. Social platforms allow for ease of distribution, for various types of content, and when used correctly, can prime clients and candidates for your sales team.

30 Minute How-To Guide: Check out this webinar to learn how you can build your brand on LinkedIn ➢


  • 336 million monthly active users
  • 280 Characters, Previously 140 Characters
  • Ideal length is 120-130 characters
  • Content options: Short form. Blogs. eBooks. GIFs. Company Posts.

Short and sweet. Twitter is not your platform for long posts or an avenue to hard sell your services. This is a platform for sharing information quickly with the goal to lead clients and candidates to your content. Some examples of content that can be incorporated with a Twitter post include:

  • Company Events
  • News or Blogs
  • eBooks
  • Salary Guides
  • Community Involvement

Related Post: Why It’s Vital to Keep Your Recruiting Company’s LinkedIn Profile Up-To-Date ➢

Click-through-rate (CTR) will be the main parameter for success on Twitter. We don’t post to post, we want targeted engagement. Sharing relevant information quickly, and lead people specifically to the landing pages, gated content or blogs you’ve selected. Buffer ran a study focusing on CTR, and how clicks correlate to length of posts. As you’ll see below in their data, you’re going to want to stick to staying short with around 120-130 characters.

(Photo Credit Via Buffer)

#Hashtags. It is not a necessity but with specific posts #Hashtags can increase potential for engagement. Hashtags work very similarly to SEO optimized keywords on your website. Not there yet? Catch up on keywords, and loop back here when you finish up.

Here’s an example. When you attend your next conference, check to see the hashtag they are using. The hashtag will help attendees clearly interpret that the post is running with the conference, and when the user clicks the hashtag they will view all posts with that hashtag.

For that very reason, hashtags can be a great way to curate all posts associated with your event. Just don’t forget, short and sweet on Twitter. Buffer ran a study on the ideal hashtag limit, finding a negative response when multiple hashtags are used.

(Photo Credit Via Buffer)

Related Post: 10 Tips For Optimizing Your Linkedin Profile ➢


  • 540 million users, with 256 million monthly active users.
  • Professional headline: 100-120 characters
  • Content options: Industry news. Gated Content. Event promotion. Thought leadership.
  • Shine some light on your company culture and industry expertise. Empower your employees to share and comment on company posts. Post company offers, promotions or short videos from your Execs.

LinkedIn is the primary social media outlet for staffing and recruiting alike. Having an up-to-date account is crucial, but your interactions and the types of posts you’re sharing can be the difference between successful posts and a missed opportunity.

Company posts can be a great first step towards finding consistency of posts. Coordinate with other employees on your team, reposting their shared posts, commenting on posts and beginning the dialogue. It’s a tough expectation to assume interaction and comments on each of your posts. Establishing a cadence where your fellow employees can engage within your comments is a quick way to portray your posts as relevant and lead to connections interacting with you.

Improve Your Social Game with Parqa Marketing

Utilizing the power of Twitter and LinkedIn can give your recruiting firm a big boost in brand awareness. Want to learn more about how your can grow both your personal brand and the brand of your recruiting firm? Check out our latest webinar, where Parqa CEO Tony Sorensen shared how he grew his recruiting company’s LinkedIn followers from 0 to 20,000+ in just five years.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Watch Parqa’s Free 30-Minute Webinar: Growing Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn For Recruiters. LinkedIn is the go-to social network for recruiters, it’s never been more important to make sure your personal brand stands out online. Learn how to grow your business, and gain traction on LinkedIn, in this 30-Minute How-To Guide for Recruiters.

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woman designing a website on dual monitors

5 Key Steps to Build Your Professional Brand on LinkedIn

With 106 million unique visits to LinkedIn each month, it’s more important than ever to optimize your profile and learn how to build your personal brand organically. While Versique, a $17M executive search and consulting firm I launched in 2013, has over 20K followers on LinkedIn and has been awarded as one of the top 25 recruiting company pages, today I want to focus on the valuable real estate of individual profiles.

Not only does an optimized profile showcase your personal skills well, it also boosts the company image as all their employees use their profiles in the best way possible. Spend time today completing these five best practices to rank higher in search engines, grow your network and ultimately drive valuable leads and revenue to your company.

First Things First: Optimize Your Profile

It’s incredibly important for people viewing your profile to see the following in place to fully understand who you are, what you do, and how to contact you if they decide to network with you. In order to accomplish this, you’ll need to carve out 30 – 60 minutes to complete our quick and easy profile optimization checklist.

  • Do I have a professional quality, current and industry specific profile and banner image?
  • Are my image headers and visuals branded?
  • Does my job title and summary communicate my area of focus and expertise?
  • Is my bio and summary written in active voice, in first person and specific to key insights about me?
  • Is my entire profile, including headlines, SEO optimized with a keyword density of 3% or greater to rank me atop of LinkedIn, Google and Bing?

Once you’ve completed the checklist and fixed any errors you found, it’s time to build your network so that more people can view your optimized profile and see what you have to offer.

30 Minute How-To Guide: Check out this webinar to learn how you can build your brand on LinkedIn ➢

Targeted Connections vs LinkedIn Open Networker

It doesn’t take long, while scrolling through your connection requests, to find someone with LION next to their name. This stands for LinkedIn Open Networker. So, what’s the deal with that? Is it best to open your network to anyone who wants to connect? Or to be selective?

The answer comes down to deciding why you want to network. If your purpose is to connect with the most people possible – connect. But, if you want to optimize your profile, generate quality leads, and nurture a healthy network – it’s time to decline. Use the following checklist to decide if those requesting to connect with you and those you’ll request to connect with are what’s best for your goals.

  • Are they located in an area, city, state, country, that you work or recruit in?
  • Is their profile optimized – showing they are serious about how they used LinkedIn?
  • Is their job title relevant to you in some way?
  • Have they sent you an InMail that makes it clear they intend to sell you on something the moment you accept?
  • Are they actively publishing and interacting with their network – which would indicate they’ll likely be an active part of yours as well?

All these qualities show that they are someone who will help spread your posts through likes, comments, and shares as well as help build your SSI score through connecting with the right people.

After you have a fully optimized profile and a thriving network, it’s time to post and publish. Get the word out to your targeted connections that you are a thought leader and have valuable insights in your related field.

Related Post: Why Recruiting Firms Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency that Specializes in the Recruiting Industry ➢

Quality over Quantity: Don’t Just Post to Post

LinkedIn is unique in that the vast majority of its users are incredibly busy people. They aren’t scrolling through their feed to keep up with the latest gossip or trending tweet. So, if your strategy is to post multiple times per day for the sake of posting, you’ll turn your network off very quickly.

Instead, qualify each post with these questions:

  • Is it valuable to my network?
  • Is it insightful in some way?
  • Does it praise or affirm someone else?
  • If it’s company related, does it showcase the company in an excellent way without selling anything?
  • If it’s personal, is it still professional?
  • Is it important industry related news?

If your posts pass the qualifying questions, the next thing you need to consider are the best times to publish. In general, I recommend Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 7-8am, 12-1pm, or 5-6pm. By tracking your analytics – identifying who is interacting with you at what times – you can create your own windows of times that help you reach your target.

Set a Goal: It’s Time to Use LinkedIn Publisher

When used well, LinkedIn Publisher is invaluable to your personal profile and company page. Set a goal of publishing one blog each month and do everything you can to stick to that goal.

A recent poll showed that 82% of LinkedIn users feel more positive about a company after reading custom content through LinkedIn Publisher and 3-5 pieces of content on average are reviewed before engaging with a recruiter. If you’re not using this free tool – you’re missing massive opportunities.

I know you may be thinking, it’s not as easy as it sounds to sit down to a blank document and create content that your network wants to read. I get it – it’s daunting. That’s why I’ve created a reference list for you. Simply choose a topic and begin to write.

  • Share Hiring Trends. Distribute industry articles, blogs and insight though your own account.
  • Drive Traffic to your postings. Write about a topic that will bring leads to a landing page associated directly to you and your firm’s brand.
  • Piggy back off trending news. If your industry has a breaking news story published throughout the internet, write an article giving your unique perspective on the matter.
  • Easy how-to’s. Use your expertise to teach someone else how to do it.
  • Create a list. Lists are great for readers to easily scan your article and pull out valuable nuggets in a short amount of time.

Once you’ve published your article, be sure to use tracking and analytics to know who’s watching and reading it.

Related Post: Why It’s Vital to Keep Your Recruiting Company’s LinkedIn Profile Up-To-Date ➢

Know Where You Rank and Why it Matters

Are you familiar with the term SSI score? Surprisingly, most LinkedIn users aren’t. Your LinkedIn Social Selling Index or score is simply how you rank within your industry and network. The score itself is out of 100 points and breaks down into 4, 25-point pillars.

  1. Establishing your professional brand.
    1. How well you publish valuable and industry relevant posts as well as how well your profile is optimized for your professional brand.
  2. Finding the right people.
    1. Are you connecting with a strong, like-minded network or are you a LION?
  3. Engaging with key insights.
    1. How well are you nurturing your network? Likes, comments and shares?
  4. Building relationships.
    1. Are you engaging with people when they have a birthday or work anniversary? Are you involved in what your connections are doing on a daily basis?

Each one of these four pillars are incredibly important factors in building your personal brand and credibility. As you increase your score within each faction, your percentage ranking within your industry and network will go up as well. The ultimate goal is to become the top 1% in your Network, top 1% in your industry and maintain a score in the high 90’s. When you’ve accomplished that – you know you’ve completed all prior 4 points. You have an optimized profile. You’re connecting with the right people. You’re publishing professional and branded content. And you’re nurturing your network.
It does take some doing – but anything worth doing is worth doing well. Right?

three succulents with phone and notebook on desk

5 Ways to Ramp Up Personal Branding Using LinkedIn

Your personal brand is not just what you do or where you work, it’s the way people perceive you as an individual from the brand you build around yourself.

Like it or not, social media is here to stay. It also happens to be the best place to build your personal brand and the single most important way you can set yourself apart in your industry. The greatest part? You are in control of your own personal brand and how you present yourself and engage online with potential clients and customers.

There are a lot of social media channels out there, and it’s important you choose which is the best for your profession. For most industries, the best social media channel for building your personal brand is LinkedIn.

30 Minute How-To Guide: Check out this webinar to learn how you can build your brand on LinkedIn ➢

If you’re looking to get serious about improving your personal brand and are ready to ramp up your efforts, these 5 tips will be critical for seeing results.

1. Complete Your Profile

Set yourself up for success by taking the time to fully complete your profile on LinkedIn. Your profile is the foundation of your personal brand and represents who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and the skills and expertise you possess. The content on your profile dictates how you’re seen professionally.

Update all your information, fill out every relevant section and use keywords in your summary and work experience. Use your LinkedIn profile to add the personality that is hard to convey on a resume.

Pro Tip: When completing your profile, keep your target audience in mind and include examples of your work that position you as a thought leader in your industry.

2. Share Relevant Content

You want to become a known resource for information by sharing what LinkedIn refers to as conversation-worthy updates with your audience. Meaning, when you’re looking for relevant articles, news, and data to share with your network, you’re going to want to make sure that it’s content your audience will find interesting and valuable.

On top of sharing those updates, take advantage of LinkedIn Publisher. When you write and publish an article on this platform, it will be tied to your professional profile. By sharing your knowledge and expertise on this LinkedIn Publisher, it will help to develop and strengthen your personal brand.

Pro Tip: Diversify your content. Make sure you are switching it up by sharing a mix of images, videos, articles, questions, and curating content written by others. Don’t be scared to throw a little personal insight into the mix too, after all, part of building your personal brand is showcasing who you are as a person, not just what you do.

Related Post: Why It’s Vital to Keep Your Recruiting Company’s LinkedIn Profile Up-To-Date ➢

3. Engage – The Right Way.

Improving your personal brand goes beyond optimizing your profile. You must also focus on truly engaging with your audience, and no, that doesn’t mean just clicking the thumbs up on every update you see. It’s communicating back and forth through updates you share and participating in discussions with other individuals to strengthen personal connections. By engaging with your connections through shared content and discussion you can become a trusted source to your audience.

Pro Tip: When engaging through commenting, leave insightful and thoughtful comments. Don’t comment simply for the sake of commenting.

4. Utilize Groups

LinkedIn provides individuals the opportunity to join groups that are specific to their industry and area of expertise. In these groups, people share industry insights, seek advice, and provide feedback for other professionals. Participating in groups allows you to showcase your knowledge around a subject and start to grow relationships with like-minded people. Think outside the box when joining groups.

Ask yourself the following questions when determining which groups to join:

  • Where are your prospects at?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What is your industry expertise?
  • What are the areas you can use some a little extra knowledge in?

By answering these questions, you will be able to utilize groups to their fullest potential.

Pro Tip: Be aware, there are many groups that aren’t managed or that the community in them are not active. So, when searching for the right groups, explore ones you think will be beneficial then narrow down to a few top key groups to spend your time in.

Related Post: 10 Tips For Optimizing Your Linkedin Profile ➢

5. Be Consistent

One of the key components of improving your personal brand is consistency. The more you stick to a plan and make it a priority, the sooner you’ll see connections happening, conversations starting and business increasing. It’s recommended to share content at least 3-4 times a week, engage daily, and utilize publisher at least once a month.

Pro Tip: Make a daily, weekly, and monthly checklist for yourself and set calendar reminders to keep you on track.

Like any goal, improving your personal brand won’t happen overnight, but by using social media to share your expertise, participate in conversations, and become a reliable source of information, you’ll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships, generate more business, and become a thought leader in your industry.

Watch Parqa’s Free 30-Minute Webinar: Growing Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn For Recruiters. LinkedIn is the go-to social network for recruiters, it’s never been more important to make sure your personal brand stands out online. Learn how to grow your business, and gain traction on LinkedIn, in this 30-Minute How-To Guide for Recruiters.

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two men pointing at a phone

10 Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Recruiters

There are over 562 million profiles on LinkedIn, which means there is a lot of competition for eyeballs. There is a vast amount of digital business happening 24-7, and it’s your job to stand out and grab your audience’s attention. Your LinkedIn profile page can be one of the most important assets in your personal brand toolbox—especially in the recruiting world.

Your profile not only represents who you are and what you do but it is also your firm’s brand. To stand out in this always-on professional business network, follow these 10 tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

30 Minute How-To Guide: Check out this webinar to learn how you can build your brand on LinkedIn ➢

1. Start with a Solid Value Proposition

Arguably the most important part of telling your story on LinkedIn is to have a strong value proposition. What problems do you solve? What value do you add? How do you make a difference in the lives of your clients and candidates? These questions will help you determine your unique value proposition.

Your unique value proposition is a key differentiator. It’s the key benefit that your personal brand offers. This is “the thing” that will help your audience determine whether you are the most qualified person for the job.

2. Be Authentic

Make sure that your bio is authentic to you and not a cookie-cutter description of what you do. Infuse some emotion into your story by being authentic. An authentic bio speaks to your audience and tells them why you do what you do.

Here is a great example of an authentic and unique LinkedIn summary for a recruiter.

3. Build Out Your Recruiter Summary

Spending time on your recruiter summary will help your profile jump off the page and will help inform your audience what your specific area of expertise is.

Here are some things to think about when writing your summary:

  • Does your summary communicate to clients that you could be the solution to the problem they’re facing?
  • Does your summary provide credibility about your abilities?
  • What differentiates you from other recruiters?

When structuring your summary, try to be concise and only spend 1-2 sentences on each point. You want to convey your story and what makes you unique, but at the same time you don’t want to write a memoir. Try to summarize what you do, your accomplishments, your values and passions, and the differentiators that make you great.

What led you here? (Personable) (Experience)

  • What you do
  • Accomplishments
  • Values / Passions
  • Differentiators

Related Post: Why It’s Vital to Keep Your Recruiting Company’s LinkedIn Profile Up-To-Date ➢

4. Profile Photo

Your profile photo should be professional and show off your personality. Getting professional headshots is always worth it, but if you can’t make the time, then here are some tips to try at home.

5. Design a Customized LinkedIn Cover Photo

Your cover photo should be unique to your brand. People who view your profile are there to check out you and your firm. The recommended size for your cover photo is 1584px by 396px, if you find that your cover photo is blurry when you upload it, try to make it the maximum size.

Looking for some inspiration, here’s an example of an excellent cover photo:

6. Customize Your URL

Customize your LinkedIn URL to make it easy for people to find you. Find your unique URL in the light-grey box below your name. Click the edit button and revise. For example, an ideal LinkedIn custom URL would be

7. Align Your Industry and Location to Your Target Candidates

Be sure you set your location and your industry so that your profile will show up in searches in your area and field of expertise. Include your location and industry in your bio naturally so that anyone who reads your bio can get a sense of your focus and where you offer your services.

8. Include Your Previous Experience

Your previous positions tell your audience that you have experience and that you can deliver on your promises. It tells a story of who you were and who you’ve become. Be sure there aren’t too many major gaps in your history and that it tells a consistent story. These descriptions should be high-level, more than 2,000 characters, and not read like a CV. You should include your accomplishments in this section.

Related Post: 6 Signs You Need a Content Marketing Strategy ➢

9. Add Your Current Position

If you haven’t already, be sure to end your previous job and add your current firm. If you don’t want to broadcast to everyone that you’ve just started a new position right now, be sure to go into your settings and change your “Account & Settings” options. Select “Privacy & Settings”. You will now see a further set of privacy options to check. The important one is to “Turn Off Your Activity Broadcasts.”

Your position title should be no more than 100 characters. Once you’ve filled in your current position, update it with current responsibilities, and be sure to think about how those responsibilities help your clients and candidates. Once you’ve finished adding in your responsibilities, add in a description about your firm and how you play a role within the firm.

Here’s an example of how you articulate your current position:

10. Update Your Skills & Endorsements

Professional skills tell a lot about a person, they describe what a person’s unique value is to any employer or candidate. Add skills that define your professional role, experiences, and contributions. Make sure that your skills are up-to-date and relevant to your job roles.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Watch Parqa’s Free 30-Minute Webinar: Growing Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn For Recruiters. LinkedIn is the go-to social network for recruiters, it’s never been more important to make sure your personal brand stands out online. Learn how to grow your business, and gain traction on LinkedIn, in this 30-Minute How-To Guide for Recruiters.Parqa_Personal Branding_Post-Webinar Bottom Blog CTA

man in coffee house on his laptop

Why It’s Vital to Keep Your Recruiting Company’s LinkedIn Page Up-To-Date

As a recruiting or staffing firm owner, you wear more hats than most. You’re making sure your team is bringing in new searches, staying in touch with quality candidates, filling searches, and nurturing your clients to ensure you have repeat and referral business. This alone is more than enough to keep someone busy. Whether you’re working in the business or on the business, there’s more to it than the fulfillment side of things. There is also the branding side of things.

What is your online presence saying about you?

You and your recruiters are the face to your business. If your company’s culture and your clients’ experience is important to you – and I’m sure it is – then you care deeply about the experience your clients and candidates are receiving when they work with you. If you’ve grown your recruiting agency from the ground up, you better believe the people you hire will need to reflect the work ethic and follow-through you’ve come to be known for.

Related Post: 5 Key Steps to Build Your Professional Brand on LinkedIn ➢

What If Just One Bad Recruiter Ruined Your Chances for The Search?

Imagine this hypothetical scenario. One of your recruiters was introduced to a potential client lead by someone in their network. They showed up for coffee and were not prepared. No business cards. Not equipped to talk about what services you offer, what niche/market you focus on, and what differentiates you from your competition. It’s not likely they’d make a great impression, and even less likely they’d get a search out of the deal. If they persisted in this mindset…would you keep them? No way.

Well, your online presence is one of your more crucial salespeople. They never sleep, they never go home, and they are always under scrutiny. If you reach out to a potential client and leave them a message or send them an email, what is the first thing they do? They Google you. They want to know if you have credibility, do you know anyone they know, and are you offering something worth their time.

If they search for you on LinkedIn, I hope they see your relevant background, your summary with information relevant to what you are selling them, and possibly even mutual connections. Most recruiting firm owners are on top of their LinkedIn profile. New award? Posted. New search? Posted. Updated services? Posted. But what about your company’s LinkedIn page?

That little thing that you made when you first started the company and updated a few times, and then got busy and you had to prioritize filling a search, hiring another recruiter, or…posting to LinkedIn. We all know what falls to the bottom of the priority list.

How to Make Sure Your Company’s LinkedIn Presence HELPS You

While it’s not the closest item on that list to making you money…it may be closer than you think. Remember that recruiter we referenced above? Think about your company LinkedIn profile as that individual.

  • Do they dress well? (Do you have a cover photo?)
  • Do they know the services you offer by market and/or niche? (Does your summary have outdated information or talk so generally in industry jargon that it’s impossible to tell what you DO in the industry… staffing/consulting/search/recruiting/perm/direct hire focus, market where you place talent, industries or roles you specialize in, etc.?)
  • Do they know if you’ve won awards, if you’re a part of any industry associations, or if you have made specific placements in the areas you “specialize in”? (Are you posting on your LinkedIn about newsworthy information? Do you have a bulleted list of roles you’ve filled…or even more ideal, do you have descriptions like the following: CFO at a $750M manufacturing company.)
  • Can they hold their own in a conversation with your potential client in the area the client specializes? (Are you writing blogs and posting industry articles about information relevant to your clients’ pain points?)

If you read the whole list above and can say YES to all of them. Then you are in the top 20% of recruiting companies we talk to. You either have hired a marketer to make sure your online presence on LinkedIn is polished, up-to-date, and active – or you have spent HOURS over the years doing it yourself. If you hired a marketer – good job. If even one search came in because the person you reached out to looked up your company on LinkedIn, and it gave them the validation they needed to call you back, then your investment has paid off.

Related Post: 5 Ways to Ramp Up Your Personal Branding Using LinkedIn ➢

How to Get Back to Selling and Away from Worrying About Your Company’s LinkedIn Presence

If YOU are doing it yourself and it’s working for you, you are a true rock star and should get an award. If you are doing it yourself and wishing you were spending that time building relationships, closing business, and growing your team – we can help.

Parqa was created within a leading executive search and consulting firm (privately owned, 35-person team, 10 practice areas, one of the largest in the Midwest, rapidly growing…now at $16M), so we understand the recruiting business and have been testing recruiting industry marketing best practices for years. We’re a niche digital marketing agency focusing specifically on the recruiting industry.

We can help bring your company’s LinkedIn profile up to speed, help write thought leadership blogs, and manage posting to your company’s social media so you can get back to closing business and growing your team.

Need help getting your online profile worthy of the brand you’ve developed? Let’s have a conversation. It’s never too late to provide your best online sales tool with a little professional development.

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